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The Grand Grimoire

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The Grand Grimoire is a black magic grimoire that claims to date back to 1522. It is possibly written some point after the eighteenth century but also possibly it represented the translation of The Sworn Book of Honorius, a 13th century text. 

It was ostensibly published in Cairo by a person known as Alibek the Egyptian. Also known as "The Red Dragon", this book contains instructions purported to summon Lucifer or Lucifuge Rofocale, for the purpose of forming a Deal with the Devil. The book is called "Le Veritable Dragon Rouge" ("The True Red Dragon") in Haiti, where it is revered among many practitioners of Vodou.

The Grand Grimoire was supposedly edited by one Antonia del Rabina from a copy transcribed from the genuine writings of King Solomon. The Grand Grimoire is divided into two parts, the first containing the evocation of "Lucifuge Rocofale" and the second concerned with the rite of making pacts with demons.

The first portion of The Grand Grimoire describes a process for evoking evil spirits to assist the operator in discovering hidden treasure. The second part suggests the surrender of the magician's body and soul to the demon, but the pact is grossly unfair to the devil, for it is such that the magician can readily slip through his fingers.

This work has been regarded as one of the more atrocious grimoire of all time

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